Hello Again,

I thought I would write a blog about Natural products vs inexpensive (or expensive) products at a local stores.

Some companies will try to convince you to buy their “baskets” of a large variety of skin care products at a reduced rate. Well that is all fine and good but the amount of preservatives and ‘non-natural’ fragrance oils is very concerning. The general public seems to be misled by pricing. Well true as that may be the harm that you are ultimately doing is substantial. Please take time to research the products you are using on your body. Small businesses like mine are encouraging a new perspective and would like you to research your options. Small business in Canada is thriving and it is up to consumers to take the initiative to buy locally and invest in your fellow Canadians who have take your health and welfare into consideration and support their business.

Value of Education

I recently met a woman who introduced herself as a “Master Herbalist”, intrigued (as I am currently studying) asking where she got her certificate and where she was registered and she told me that she had neither, but she did get her information from a local “college”.
I have run into this a couple of times and did my own research into the value of the education and registration process.
I am a Registered Nurse and I know how my profession values education and has no tolerance for imposters.
Professional bodies undergo accreditation processes that ensure that the information being provided is true and accurate not just one individuals experience.
Any individual or company that makes claims regarding a products action or healing ability has to undergo strict trials and testing and be approved.
This to some seems like too much control for an outside body but to most it is an assurance that health and safety have been considered, tested and proven. That is not to say it is perfect (nothing is).
Having said that if there is no accreditation, no testing, no documented proof that an individual or school has undergone scrupulous investigation and the information may or may not be accurate.The student may or may not be functioning/practicing with accurate knowledge.This is neither safe or acceptable to the general public.
I feel that this is why Aromatherapists and Herbologists (Master or otherwise) are not generally recognized in the medical field. Also the same goes for message therapists, unless you have completed the entire accredited program and fulfilled the required hours and have been registered, you can only open a business under an “Entertainment” business license.
I talk about this because I have seen too many examples of dangerous application of aromatherapy/herbology and it is because they do not know…what they do not know!
I have witnessed pure essential oils put into a baby’s mouth (must be diluted), strong essential oil lotion brought into a hospital room of a child who has reactive airways (there is a reason no scents are allowed in hospitals) the use of essential oils being sold as a remedy to be taken internally (this is not legal in this country) and without even a basic understanding of drug interactions. Not only is this irresponsible it is dangerous!
Since researching the value of Education, I have found several accredited schools for aromatherapy and herbology and a national registration for reputable individuals to register their practice and provide sound holistic health advice to clients.
I encourage you to seek out an educated, registered provider to ensure you are receiving sound advice and treatment.
Not someone who has cut corners to make a quick buck.
I will post a list of reputable providers in the near future and I encourage you to embrace a holistic lifestyle and rid yourself of the toxins that pollute your body and home.
Until next time.

This entry was posted on January 22, 2012. 4 Comments

Happy New Year!

Resolutions and Rewards.
Like many I like to review my life over the past year and assess what I achieved, what I could change and what to look forward to in the coming year.

2011 Proved to be very eventful and I have many to thank for that. As a Nurse my patients remind me daily why I chose this field of caring as my career. At my 2nd Nursing job at the Calgary Stampede, the people I meet from all over the world educate me in diversity. As an instructor at Soap and More the many “students” I had the pleasure of meeting taught me many things about life and business. At my home based little business Indulge. Naturally Luxurious Inc. I strive to create healthy, natural products to enhance the life experience using what nature provides.

This year 2011 I created some products for women and babies, also some environmentally safe cleaning supplies. I have tried different packaging and labeling. I have had great results and happy customers.
2012 what will it bring? well we cannot tell the future but I am hoping to evolve my business, create some pet friendly products.

I will become a Certified Aromatherapist. (because I will be done my program) I plan to enroll in a Master Herbalist program (maybe even finish it if I am lucky)this will enhance my knowledge and business.

I hope to update this blog more frequently so I can interact with the outside world more and learn even more.

Most of all I hope to make family and friends happy.

Happy New Year!


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy long weekend. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, nature at is finest, for being in the city that is.

Mosquitos are abundant here this year and they are hungry. Natural Outdoor Armor by Indulge can help combat the problem. Using all natural ingredients to discourage those pesky skeeters.

Commercial products available also work, using preservatives and poisons that can lead to toxic build up in your body.

Remember to play safe, drive carefully and have fun this holiday weekend!!!



Argan oil. My new favorite.

Hi Again,

It has been awhile since I posted. I have been busy filling orders. Yay, getting ready for a shipment down east and preping for some fundraisers.

I want to talk about my new favorite oil, Argan. It comes from Morrocco, very high in vit E , rich in phenols, carotene, EFA’s and resistant to oxidation. This oil has properties of , anti-aging or age defying, restorative, excellent for skin and hair.

This oil is relatively rare and expensive but it will be part of my face line, Indulge wants the best for you.

All argan sold today is produced by a women’s cooperative that shares the profits among the local women of the Berber tribe. The cooperative has established an ecosystem reforestation project so that the supply of argan oil will not run out and the income that is currently supporting the women will not disappear. The money is providing healthcare and education to the local women, and supporting the entire community as a whole.[4



Being Aware…

In my previous post I mentioned that many ingredients that were in your daily products are not only Not natural but can be harmful. They can build up over time and have some nasty effects. There has been plenty of media recently and awareness is the key.

Being aware is half the battle of making an informed decision to go Natural. I encourage you to read your labels for the toxins that are in products. Most of these are under great scrutiny and being studied widely as potentially harmful to your health.

When you decide to go with Natural care products the guesswork is taken out, or is it?

Allergies are something to consider and how a Natural product functions differently than others.

People who have certain allergies should take a bit of caution when using a new product, if you have allergies to say nuts, seeds or certain pollens/flowers read the label because that is where some of the ‘natural’ comes from.

If you have a respiratory/breathing problems please be careful when First using your new products, research shows that people have more negative reactions to artificial than to Natural but you should be cautions and Never try when you are having an exacerbation.

If you have been using your product for a while and are certain that you do not react negatively to it, then using it anytime Should be beneficial. Again be aware.

In Canada Essential oils are not sold for oral intake. You should be very cautious about remedies offered in this route. Often the good intentions are misguided and these crafters don’t understand the human body in enough detail and its interactions with other medications and the disease processes. Most importantly they really do not understand the negative implications it can have.

If you have any questions you should seek out help in your decision making process from someone with extensive education and practice. Its OK to ask for credentials!

How a product functions is another consideration. A prime example is bubbles, we have been brought up the belive that the more the bubbles the cleaner we are, not so true, bubbles are evidence of where you have been with the product and your cloth but they don’t the cleaning, the ingredients do and the action of cleaning does. The ingredient that promotes those big bubbles is a manufactured product and serves no other purpose. Having said that there are lots of bubbles to be had in Natural products, some oils when they are converted to soap create a nice lather. Some natural liquid soaps not so much, it is the essential oils that work their magic and they are fantastic. One answer to address the I love bubbles, is the foamer bottle it dispenses bubbles and the ingredients you want. Very nice!!

On another note Natural is Luxurious! Enjoying what the earth has to offer is the way it is supposed to be. At Indulge we are very aware of some natural products that are being stripped and becoming rare due to the way they have been cultivated, we avoid those products. At Indulge we strive to promote health, wellbeing and luxury of course but we do that by being considerate of our environment and the environment we get our supplies from. We promote fair trade and seek out high quality.

Next topic will incorporate any questions/concerns and talk about some specific ingredients..the good and the bad.

Hope you all have a great day.

Going Natural!?

The world today has tons of marketing that advertises just about everything as natural. What are you really getting? The truth is that the labeling laws allow for plenty of non-natural ingredients to be included in our products.

One food for thought is that if a product has water in it, it has the potential to grow bacteria.! If your product lasts longer that 1-2 weeks at room tempurature it likely has a preservative in it. The labeling laws state that if any ingredient is in a quantity of less than 1% of the entire batch then it does not have to be on the label. Interesting eh!

Let me know what you think.

Next up I will talk about what presevatives are out there and how safe or harmful they are based on clinical studies.

Cheers for now


Getting to know Indulge Naturally Luxurious!

Good day to all!

This is my first post on this blog and hopefully a link for discussions.

I make and teach about Natural body care products and Aromatherapy. I plan to have a weekly topic to discuss and debate. Some will be fun and some will be serious but all for learning and experiencing .

As a Nurse for nearly 25 years, I recognize the need for natural products, I have an understanding of the human body and its reactions to the environment..the air, the water, the intake and the put on.

My business is based on Education, Identification of need and practice, practice, practice. My formulations have been used for years by my family, friends and co-workers.

Starting a business seems like the next, natural thing for me to do.

Some of my blogs may be just about the business aspect or the business of life.

I look forward to meeting and chatting with many soon to be friends or aquaintances.

Thanks for reading.


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This entry was posted on April 10, 2011. 1 Comment